Walk as Children of the Light

Nov 17, 2019    Erik Raymond

Outline: Two ongoing priorities for pleasing God
I. Avoid all impurity (3–7)
A. Types of impurity forbidden (3–4)
1. Sexual
2. Speech
B. Reasons for the prohibition (5–7)
1. Such things are improper for Christians
2. Such things betray one’s confession of faith
C. Warnings against contrary/false teaching (6–7)
1. These are empty words
2. They provoke God’s wrath
3. By sharing their actions they share their doom
II. Walk as children of the light (8–14)
A. Walk as children of the light
1. Remember your former darkness
2. Live in accordance with who you are
3. Look for the fruit of the light
B. Discern what is pleasing to the Lord
1. Expose the deeds of darkness
2. Don’t participate with them
3. Do expose them
C. The church participates in this as a community
1. Ministry of the Word
2. Church membership
3. Church discipline