
"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens 
with the saints and members of the household of God."

Ephesians 2:19

We take membership seriously.

Partner with us with in the gospel.

Members of Redeemer are baptized disciples of Christ who, in good conscience, affirm our statement of faith and constitution. This is expressed by signing and agreeing to carry out the principles of our membership covenant. But membership in a church is about more than simply signing a paper or being in a church directory.

We covenant together as a church family because we believe there are many commands in Scripture that we cannot fully obey alone. They are meant to be lived out in community. The Bible speaks of Christians as sheep who are part of a flock (1 Pet. 5:2), children who are part of a household (1 Tim. 3:15), and members of a body (1 Cor. 12:12–27). As members of Christ’s body we want to be attached to a local expression of his body—a local church. Church membership is the intentional identification with other Christian brothers and sisters in order to worship God together, grow together in Christlikeness, and care for each other's needs.

Our desire as members of Redeemer is to follow Christ together in a way that is expressed in our church covenant. In doing so, we hope to be a display of God’s glory and plan to unite all things to himself in Christ (Eph. 3:10), and to be an instrument in the Gospel being made clear and known (1 Cor. 5; John 13:34-35).

The process for membership is outlined below:
  • Attend the Connect Class (typically held on 2nd Saturday in February & August)
  • Complete membership application
  • Have a membership interview with an elder
  • Agree with our church Covenant, Confession, and Constitution
  • Receive elder recommendation as a new member to the RFC members
  • RFC members vote on your membership application
  • Introduction as new members during a Sunday service


Questions About Joining Redeemer?

We'd love to talk with you.