Be Careful

Nov 24, 2019    Erik Raymond

Outline: Two traits that must characterize a Christian’s life
I. Walking in Wisdom (15–17)
A. Make the best use of your time—steward, don’t waste it
1. Because time is finite
2. Because time is given
3. Because time is wasted
4. Because the days are evil
B. Understand God’s will
1. God’s secret or decretive will (Deut. 29:29; Eph. 1:5)
2. God’s revealed or preceptive will (Ex. 20; Eph. 5:17)
II. Being Filled with the Spirit (18–21)
A. Being Spirit-filled means being Spirit-controlled
1. Shown by contrast
2. Shown by parallel passages (Acts 2:13–18; Col. 3:16ff; Gal. 5:22–25)
3. Shown by context
B. Examples of what being Spirit-filled looks like
1. Fellowship (19a)
2. Worship (19b)
3. Thankfulness (20)
4. Submission (21)