After raising from the dead, Jesus gave his followers clear instructions in which the church is central to his mission.
We aim to be a loving gospel community that glorifies God by obeying Jesus’s teaching.
We Worship God
All people were made to worship. And we do. We live for the honor, fame, or enjoyment of something. As Christians we understand that the Bible calls us to turn from lesser gods and worship the one true God. We gather every Sunday and endeavor to live throughout the week in such a way that we ascribe honor to this God by worshiping his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who saves sinners like us through his life, death, and resurrection.
We Make & Train Disciples
When someone becomes a Christian they become a disciple—a learner or follower. Jesus told his church to make disciples and then teach them what it means to faithfully follow him (Matt. 28:19–21). As a church we are committed to sharing the gospel with others and then training them to follow Jesus in all of life.
We Plant & Strengthen Churches
We live in one of the least-churched areas in the US. This, along with the truths that the gospel is powerful to change lives (Rom. 1:16–17), and that God is for the church (Matt. 16:18), compels us to prioritize the planting and strengthening of local churches. It’s our great burden to see healthy churches reflecting God’s character throughout New England.