Christian Liberty Presupposes Love | Romans 14:1-15:13

Sep 19, 2021    Erik Raymond

Argument: Because it’s rooted in the gospel, Christian love considers the interests of others as more important than our own.

Outline: 3 Enduring Priorities when Exercising Christian Liberty
1. Welcome one another (14:1–12)
a. Because God has welcomed us (1-3)
b. Because Christ died & rose to be our Lord (4–9)
c. Because we’re part of the same family (10a)
d. Because we’re each accountable to God (10b–12)
2. Love one another (14:13–23)
a. By not hindering one another (13–19)
b. By setting aside your privileges (20–23)
3. Reflect Christ together (15:1–13)
a. By bearing with and pleasing one another (1–4)
b. By pursuing a unity that glorifies God (5–7)
c. By living under the hope of the kingdom (8–13)