Many Will Rejoice at His Birth

Dec 1, 2019    Erik Raymond

Outline: Three dramatic scenes unfolding God’s plan
1. SCENE 1: A godly couple with a big burden (5–7)
A. Their context: in the days of Herod
B. Their names: Zechariah & Elizabeth
C. Their lineage: priestly descent
D. Their character: blameless & godly
E. Their burden: childless & advanced in years
2. An angel visits a priest in the temple (8–23)
A. The angel appears to the priest
B. The angel announces great news
C. The angel answers Zechariah’s request for a sign with a sign
3. God acts for his glory and his people’s joy (1:24–25)
A. As promised, Elizabeth conceives in her old age
B. Following the pattern of other barren women in the Bible, Elizabeth rejoices in God’s kindness to her (Gen. 21:6–7; 1 Sam. 2:1–11; esp. Gen. 30:23)