That the Gentiles Might Glorify God | Romans 15:8-16:27

Sep 26, 2021    Erik Raymond

Argument: God’s people must be burdened for God’s mission.

Outline: 9 marks of a church on mission
1. They believe God is on mission (15:8–12)
2. They humbly serve others (15:13–19)
3. They work to reach the unreached (15:20–21)
4. They partner with other churches (15:22–29)
5. They pray for the mission (15:30–33)
6. They mobilize ordinary people (16:1–16)
7. They guard the gospel (16:17–19)
8. They have confidence in the victory (16:20)
9. They are compelled by the glory of God (16:21–27)